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The RULER (Remaining Useful Life Evaluation Routine) test measures the antioxidant levels in oils and is primarily directed to hydraulic fluids. The test measures the remaining oxidation life of the lubricant. The test assist customers deciding when to replace the lubricant. Extended oil use causes varnish formation and increased oil viscosity and can lead to costly repairs.

Items in this kit: outside jar, inner jar, sample card, plastic bag, sample tube, courier bag

Komatsu Oil and Wear Analysis (KOWA®) is the spearhead of our Condition Monitoring Services (CMS). Your equipment is the lifeblood of your business and KOWA® works like a blood test for your machine. There are normal wear rates for each moving component and as these parts wear particles appear in the oil. These particles are small but easily detected through regular KOWA® use. Continued and consistent KOWA® use will provide a clear picture of your machine’s health, potentially saving you time and money.

  • Category: Maintenance Others
  • Brand: Condition Monitoring