KVX Front List L/R - 163037

KVX Front List L/R

350065 is the latest product for 163037
See Replacement

KVX Front Protector "List" , 1535x129x50, 40kg. The KVX Front Protector system has become very popular in conditions with high wear, particularly on KVX loader systems. The Front Protector "List" is wedged between the KVX lip and the bolt-on KVX GET components (teeth or wearplates/segments). A special KVX bucket lip configuration is required, incorporating a machined "keyway” in the lip front. The KVX Front Protector is manufactured from Sagitta® 540 Brinell grade steel. A complex blend of alloying elements, and advanced
hardening technology, provide uniform hardness and toughness throughout, resulting in excellent wear resistance, and the ability to withstand severe impact conditions with minimial risk of cracking.

  • Part No: 163037
  • Category: Wear Resistant Materials
  • Brand: Komatsu KVX